Make a donation in France
To make a donation is to offer better future prospects to children who are completely destitute and to share the hopes and successes of our volunteers on the ground in Cambodia.
• by joining AVEC France: 10€ per year
• by making a donation of a free amount
• collectively sponsoring the children of the shelter on a monthly or one-time basis for one year
• by offering your company the opportunity to become a patron
• by becoming a volunteer for AVEC France
Under current French law, 66% of the amount of donations and sponsorships you make to us can be deducted from your income tax.
For example, a donation or sponsorship for 100 € actually costs you only 34 €.
The tax deduction does not apply on the amount of 10 € of the membership to AVEC France.
We thank you for sending us your payment by cheque made out to AVEC France to :
Association AVEC France,
95 lot. Vivier,
You can also make a bank transfer to our Crédit Agricole account:
Establishment code: 16906
Counter code: 03032
Account number: 87005837314
RIB key: 46
In both cases, it is essential to return the form below in order to identify your payment and send you the proof for the tax reduction.
By mail:
Association AVEC France,
95 lot. Vivier,
Testimony: What we will remember about this refuge is the joy and the laughter of the children: these children who have all come back from far away, who have all lived through very difficult things, have found their childhood here again?
Please sponsor
- The shelter children
- Our training center
- The kindergarten
Please sponsor
- The shelter children
- Our training center
- The kindergarten