Make a donation in Switzerland
To make a donation is to offer better future prospects to children who are completely destitute and to share the hopes and successes of our volunteers on the ground in Cambodia.
Donate with PostFinance
The donation by PosFinance will be made after scanning the QR code below, the Postfinance web page will open and allow you to finalize your donation.
You can also download and print the payment form
Make a donation in Switzerland
From Switzerland on the account of Swiss Post:
CCP no: 17-577901-6
Donation by your Bank (from anywhere in the world)
IBAN electronic entry: CH9009000000175779016
IBAN printing on paper: CH90 0900 0000 1757 7901 6
Contact AVEC in Switzerland
Par courrier :
Foundation AVEC
Route de la Conversion 247
1093 La Conversion
Make a donation with TWINT
The TWINT donation will be made via RaiseNow; after scanning the QR code below, the RaiseNow webpage will open and allow you to finalize your donation.
What we will remember about this refuge is the joy and the laughter of the children: these children who all come back from far away, have all lived through very difficult things, have found their childhood here…