The NGO AVEC (Cambodia) founders ’word
Dear donor, The year 2019 was difficult for our action team in Cambodia; still, we made a huge effort and finally got remarkable results.
The situation is getting worse in many Cambodian villages in the middle of the rice fields.
More and more adults leave these poverty-struck hamlets and only young children and old people stay there; most of the children have been abandoned by their parents who went off to Thailand, and are taken care of by the old people.
In 2019 we took in two three and five year- old sisters, both of them victims of forced labor in Thailand.
Today these little girls laugh, play and eat normally; the shelter’s older girls have become their big sisters and take good care of them.
Today our protection center in Battambang is full. We are going to develop two things: schooling sponsoring and support for families with dependent children.
We will not be able to save them all but we want to intensify our action in these villages.
To this effect we will have to fight; we will create and train a specific team of social workers able to intervene in the villages.
We now have our experience but also a great strength of will, we are convinced that supporting a child in his/her family circle is the future of many humanitarian organizations.
Our shelter has become a reference in the field of child protection and we are very proud of this. We want to remain humble; we want to work up our potential and invest in the training of our shelter support team.
Thank you for your precious support
Theavy Bun and Patrik Roux
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Our children’s shelter in Cambodia
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Please sponsor
- The shelter children
- Our training center
- The kindergarten
Please sponsor
- The shelter children
- Our training center
- The kindergarten